Understanding portion sizes without counting calories or weighing food

I don’t like the concept of counting every calorie in your food such as using an app like MyFitnessPal or weighing/measuring out your food. I believe it can trigger obsessive eating and cause you to develop an unhealthy relationship with food in the long run.

Furthermore, obsessive calorie counting doesn’t just take out the enjoyment of eating but it causes you to focus on quantity rather than quality. Whether your health goal is weight loss, increased energy, improved digestion or just general health, the quality of your food is more important than the quantity of your food. However it is important to understand portion sizes as overeating also isn’t healthy. 

When it comes to portion sizes there is a simple and easy way to ensuring you are getting an adequate balance of macronutrients without having to track every single calorie or gram of carb, protein or fat. The best thing about it is it’s always conveniently with you. Your hand.

Your hand is proportionate to your body, making it an effective tool for measuring portions. Whilst specific foods and portion sizes can vary based on your gender, goal, genetic make-up or exercise levels, use the below as a general rule of thumb. 

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