Fear it or flow through it, it's your choice.

Dear friends,

Last night as I was watching the Prime Minister giving his COVID-19 update, I could feel fear running through every vein in my body. What is going to happen to my business? What is going to happen to my partners business? Are we going to get through this? 

Then my phone rang. It was a good friend of mine that lives in Israel that I haven’t spoken to in weeks. This is a particularly special friend as I sense a deep connection to her. She always seems to tell me exactly what I need to hear at exactly the right time.

“How are you?”, she asks. After a short exchange of words she cuts to the chase. "I sense a lot of fear in you. Babe you can choose the level you want to live at. You can choose to live in fear. To be scared of the unknown. To feel unsafe and to constantly worry about the future. To watch every news/media outlet for constant updates to feed your panic and anxiety. Focusing on all the negatives of what we are experiencing will only make you vibrate at a low frequency and attract more negative energy towards you. You need to just let go and realise that you were never in control to begin with. There is so much good to come from this, all you need to do is trust. And truly be grateful for what you have.”

And just like that, my fear vanished.

It’s so easy to get caught up in the chaos and choose fear, feel anxious and feel like your world is falling apart. We all have something to be mad, upset or fearful about. My greatest disappointment right now is that I was meant to marry the love of my life in Greece this July but we have been forced to cancel the wedding due to COVID-19. I can choose to focus on that or on the fact that I am blessed with his amazing person in my life who has been my rock and source of laughter during this crazy time. I have chosen the latter. 

When you are in a state of stress, your mind zeros in on the threat. As a consequence, you are unable to tap into your problem solving mind and think beyond it. Furthermore, where focus goes, energy flows. The more you focus on the negatives, the more negativity you will attract.

Today I challenge you to see the light. Find calmness, positivity and strength amongst all the chaos, so that you can think outside of the box. Use your time to consider how you can change direction, adapt and flow through the situation rather than resist it. Resisting will only deplete all your energy and leave you feeling defeated. Much the same as surviving a rip current.

“If you can't fight and you can't flee, flow", Robert Elias M.D.

Here are some ideas to help you relax, see the light and flow:

  • Meditate. It’s a powerful relaxation tool. Start with 5, 10 or 20 mins daily to raise your vibrations and lift your mood. Use mobile apps such as headspace or insight timer to help guide you.

  • Get creative. Paint, draw, write, create a vision board. Do whatever brings you pleasure, distracts you from your fears and allows you to get your creative juices flowing.

  • Listen to music. Songs that remind you of happy moments, calm you or energise you.

  • Nourish your body with colourful nutrient rich food. These foods make you feel good! Eating lollies, chocolate and junk foods give you a fleeting sense of pleasure and quickly leave you feeling tired, heavy and demotivated, further driving negative states.

  • Focus on your health. With less social distractions you can get a kick start on your health goals.  Learn to cook some healthy recipes, meal prep, do some exercise classes from home, book a video nutrition consultation. Use your time wisely.

  • Read a good book or my Base Diet ebook

  • Connect with your family and friends.

  • Play a boardgame. Articulate is one of my faves!

  • Journal your thoughts.

  • Clean out your wardrobe or reorganise your kitchen cupboards. It will make your kitchen more enticing to cook in.

  • Optimise your business strategy. Can you take it online?

  • Write down three things you are grateful for daily .

Stay safe, well and positive,

Steph xx


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