Boosting your immune system against COVID-19 and other infections


In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic we are reminded of the importance of good health, self-care, love and connection with others. As we know there are a number of risk factors relating to COVID-19 that’s not just limited to older age. These include the following:

  • High blood pleasure and heart disease 

  • Type 2 diabetes and obesity

  • Lung disease and smoking 

Did you know that all of these are major diet and lifestyle diseases? This means that your diet and lifestyle largely determines your risk of developing these diseases. Whilst you might have a genetic predisposition to any of these diseases it’s largely the foods you eat you and your lifestyle behaviour that will determine whether these genes are activated or not. May this be a reminder that you have the power to reduce your risk of most chronic illnesses by making healthy diet and lifestyle choices today.

Building a strong immune system is the most important shield you have particularly during these testing times. To do this you need to eat a diet filled with colourful nutrient rich foods.  Below I have a put together a guide on how to boost your immune system with food to reduce your risk against COVID-19 and other infections.

Immediate Action:

  • Wash your hands religiously for at least 20 seconds and avoid touching your face

  • Avoid close and unnecessary contact with others


Immune Boosting Diet

Your diet has a dramatic impact on your immune system and general wellbeing. Focus on increasing the following:

Antioxidants: A diet that is rich in antioxidants supports the immune system by offsetting any damage caused by the invaders or the immune response. Colour in foods is the key element – the more vibrant, the more antioxidant rich the food source is.
Sources: Colourful fruits and vegetables particularly; pomegranates, berries, citrus, kale, spinach, Brussel sprouts, beetroot, carrots and onion. As well as oats, pinto beans and walnuts. 
Tip: Don’t try to single out one particular food but rather eat a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, wholegrains, legumes, nuts and seeds every day—and get all the magic compounds these foods have to offer.

Protein: Inadequate amounts of protein in the diet results in immune dysfunction through depletion of immune cells, inability of the body to make antibodies, and other immune-related problems. 
Sources include: Good quality fish, shellfish, turkey, chicken, eggs, beef, lamb, beans, legumes and nuts. 
Tips: Aim for grass fed, free range meat and wild caught fish.

Wholefoods: Eating foods in its natural wholesome state not only ensures that you are getting a wide range of nutrients required to support immune function but that you’re also getting nutrients in the right ratios so they can have a synergistic effect. Man-made processed foods are stripped of immune boosting nutrients and healthy plant based compounds called phytonutrients. 
 Sources: Vegetables, fruit, wholegrains, good quality meats and seafood, nuts and seeds

Natural antimicrobials: Many common plant foods contain substances that act as antimicrobial agents that can defend against harmful organism such as bacteria, yeast and viruses.  In many cases, these substances serve as plant defence mechanisms against predation by microorganisms, insects, and herbivores and thus can have flow on protective effects in humans. 
Sources: Raw crushed garlic, raw onion, raw coconut oil, apple cider vinegar, manuka money, oregano oil and ginger. 

Intermittent Fast: Fasting has a significant impact on boosting your immune system. Digestion requires large amounts of energy. When your body is trying to break down and absorb all the nutrients from food, other processes such as fighting off infections, detoxification, the removal of old cells (autophagy) and the regeneration of new cells are slowed down. Fasting allows the energy to be directed at your immune system and rejuvenation, helping your body fight disease and illness, ageing and eliminate dysfunctional damaged cells to make room for new healthy ones. Thats why you lose your appetite when you are feeling sick.

Immune Destroying Diet

Sugar: Sugar acts as an immune suppressant whereby it inhibits the ability of our immune cells to function properly. In some cases sugar can feed the infection and therefore increasing its harmful effects.

Processed Foods: Processed foods are commonly packed with refined carbohydrates, refined oils, additives and calories and lack any real nutrient value. Not only does this drive nutrient deficiencies but it also causes stress on the body which weakens the immune system.

Alcohol: Alcohol functions in much the same way as sugar by suppressing the body’s immune response making it less resilient and also causes nutrient deficiencies. 

Caffeine: Caffeine is an added toxin on the body and also affects your body’s ability to absorb the immune supporting nutrients from foods. Caffeine is a diuretic, which means it increases urination and subsequently loss of nutrients. Furthermore, caffeine can impact your sleep quality and sleep is essential in immune health. No need to avoid completely but best kept to a minimum.

Immune Boosting Nutrients

Zinc: Pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, eggs, seafood/shellfish particularly oysters

Vitamin C: Mango, strawberries, black currents, sweet potato, paw paw, pineapple, cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, brussels sprouts, kale, capsicum

Vitamin A: Egg yolk, carrots, apricots,  sweet potato, spinach, papaya and red capsicum 

Vitamin D: Sunlight, salmon, tuna, sardines, mackerel, cod 

Vitamin E: Almonds, apricots, hazelnuts, wheatgerm, sunflower seeds, spinach, pumpkin, avocado

B Vitamins: Wholegrains, green leafy veggies, eggs, chicken, fish, beans and legumes

Omega 3  Essential Fatty Acids: Salmon, sardines, mackerel, flaxseeds, flaxseed oil, walnuts, good quality fish oil supplement, grass fed beef

Iron: Almonds, apricots, avocados, meat, parsley, oysters, pine nuts 

Immune Boosting Supplements

NOTE: If you would like me to send you a script so you can order some immune boosting supplements online please get in touch

Zinc: 30mg/day for a general immune supportive dose. Particularly in lozenge form when experiencing a sore throat to reduce the spread of the virus. 

Vitamin C: 750-1000mg morning and night as a maintenance dose and increase as needed. Liposomal supplements are more effective.

Vitamin D: Depending on your levels 1000-2000iu/day 

Glutathione: Significantly improves white blood cell activity to fight infections. Aim to take 400mg/day. Liposomal delivery is preferred.

Vitamin A: depending on your health a usual dose of 5000iu morning and night for maintenance and for some doubling this dose.

Immune Boosting Herbs:

  • Echinacea, Olive leaf, Andrographis, Astragalus, Rhodiola, Elder leaf, Licorice…

  • Mushrooms: Maitake, Reishi, Lions Mane…

    Tea tree capsules

Lifestyle Tips

SLEEP! Getting adequate sleep is the most crucial element to optimising your immune system. When you are constantly on the run, our body relies on cortisol (the stress hormone) to keep us going. When cortisol is up, our immune function is compromised. Ensuring our cortisol levels are managed and low increases the ability for our body to fight infection.

Reduce stress: I know this is an extremely stressful time however managing your stress levels is essential for a strong immune system. Meditation, deep breathing and taking time to do things that bring you pleasure are highly recommended. 

Move: This stimulates the lymphatic system which is how the body removes toxins, waste and other unwanted materials. Avoid gyms and confined spaces during this time and rather take a walk in a park or in open spaces.

Drink plenty of water: Aim for at least 2L daily which can also include herbal teas

Delicious Immune Boosting Recipes


Click for more healthy and nourishing recipes





Fear it or flow through it, it's your choice.


Eat Less, Live Better; the latest research on intermittent fasting