Digest & Detox Salad

When you eat bitter foods such as grapefruit, watercress and fennel, our bitter taste receptors trigger the pancreas to secrete digestive enzymes and the gall bladder to release bile. Bile is used to breakdown fats so we can absorb them as well as remove waste products that the liver filters from the blood. Watercress is also high in calcium, contains more iron than spinach and more nutrient dense than kale!

 Note: Be careful not to eat too much grapefruit when taking medications because it inhibits the enzymes that breakdown drugs, increasing their toxicity and effect. In some cases it may also cancel out medications.

Serves 8 ppl


  • 1  fennel bulb
  • 2 grapefruits
  • 2 bunches watercress
  • ΒΌ cup verjuice (or substitute with white balsamic vinegar)
  • 2 1/2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • Pinch of salt & pepper


  1. Slice the two ends off the grapefruit, approx. 2 cm from the edge, leaving some flesh with juice on each off cut to use for the dressing
  2. Remove the skin and slice lengthways into 4 even pieces and place onto the serving plate
  3. Finely slice the fennel and place into a bowl
  4. Discard the thick stems from the watercress and add the remainder to the bowl with the fennel
  5. Pour over the olive oil, verjuice juice and and squeeze the juice from the ends of the grapefruit. Finish with a pinch of salt & pepper 
  6. Combine well using your fingers
  7. Place the dressed fennel and watercress on top of the grapefruit
  8. Serve & enjoy