Change your thoughts, change your life

My job is just as much educating my clients on health and nutrition as it is facilitating behaviour change. The latter being far more challenging.

We find comfort in familiarity and ease. This is why behaviour change can be so difficult. Change is uncomfortable, uncertain and unfamiliar. Change however can also be exciting, it’s a form of growth and an opportunity to experience something far better than the now. It really just depends on how you choose to look at it.

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Changing our behaviour is also difficult because it requires us to be conscious of both our thoughts and habits which mostly play out subconsciously and go by unnoticed. Our brain likes efficiency and thinking the same requires far less effort.

We have 60,000-70,000 thoughts a day and 90% of them are the exact same thoughts as the day before, unless you change them.

What are the implications of this? 

Same thoughts - same actions and behaviours - same experiences - same emotions - same boring life

 So if you want to change, grow, experience new things and feel better then all you need to do is think differently.

New thoughts - new actions and behaviours - new experiences - new emotions - 
a life that’s constantly growing and evolving

Start with small habit changes like driving a different way to work or getting your morning coffee from a different café. New paths lead to new experiences and emotions. You don’t know what you might see or who you might meet along the way.

Then move onto the big stuff by asking yourself what you want to change in your life? Do you want to feel less stressed, anxious, have a better relationship with food…or yourself? 

Notice the thoughts that drive your negative habits and change them to more empowering, loving and positive thoughts that will produce a different behaviour. Like with anything, the more you do it, the easier it gets.  Since habits take practice and repetition to form, the same is true when it comes to breaking them.

Need some help? Get in touch


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